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Ut eget vulputate massa. Donec libero metus, faucibus eu accumsan vel, vulputate vel est.
Ut eget vulputate massa. Donec libero metus, faucibus eu accumsan vel, vulputate vel est.
Interest in pursuing a STEM degree and career drops between 13-17 years old.
One third of Black, Latino, and Native American students enter college with an interest in studying STEM. Yet, only 16% receive a bachelor’s degrees in a STEM field. National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics
Women make up 28% of the overall science and engineering workforce. National Science Foundation.
In the US, only 31% of working professionals that are currently in science and engineering fields are people of color. National Science Foundation.
The best predictor of college and career success in STEM is student interest, not test scores.
STEM jobs are increasing at a faster rate than any other job source.
100% of our students come from backgrounds that are underrepresented in STEM.
18% increase in students identifying as a STEM person after participating in STEMtelling.
100% of all participating teachers reported an increased understanding of student interests in STEM and how to connect those interests to course curriculum.
Students are 20% more likely to want to pursue a career in STEM after participating in STEMtelling.
45% increase in students connecting STEM to their own interests and being interested in STEM through STEMtelling.